Who we are:

We are a group of Military Veterans, Friends & Family who love to spread the Christmas Spirit! We are dedicated to Quality Service, Unrivaled Support, and Excellent Communication. We look forward to serving you this season!


Unfortunately, many contractors have a reputation of forgetting to respond.
At American Veteran Lighting & Decoration, we guarantee a response within 30 minutes!


All of our installers go through a rigorous training course, to ensure they are utilizing the best installation methods possible. We have meticulous attention to detail and are proud of our work!


Even in the best of situations, sometimes life happens. We are dedicated to timely rectification of any and all issues you may have!

We have a tight knit group of Veterans, Veteran Relatives, and Family-Oriented, positive individuals.

Steven Giron


After Serving in the Marine Corps for 5 years as a Flight Line Aircraft Mechanic, I knew one thing for certain: I didn't like having a boss. So I started my own handyman company! That eventually grew into American Veteran Construction, and our subsidiary company, American Veteran Lighting & Decoration.


Branch Manager

From day 1 he's always been on the ball. As a matter of fact, you never see him without one. Although at times he likes ruff housing with coworkers, he always brings a great energy.

Alex Mahoney

Operations Manager

Snagged from Amazon, as a Trainer/manager, Alex was a perfect fit for our team! He oversees operations, allowing for a smooth installation for all of our jobs.

Emily Rios

Emily Rios

Office Manager

Originally an Installer, Emily had a knack for organization and managing clientele. Another pivotal part of our team!

Although we have an unmatched standard, don't take our word for it!
Amy Kessinger

Amy Kessinger

Verified Client

"Very professional and responsive. Easy to work with contractors and quality of work is great. Highly recommend."

Julie Tai

Julie Tai

Verified Client

"American Veteran Construction came over and hung our Christmas lights for my wife while I was deployed. They were professional and did a fine job hanging the lights. It is difficult being away from your family over the holidays and giving them something as simple as Christmas lights goes a long way. Thank you for giving our family a little Christmas cheer."

Jodi Estevez

Jodi Estevez

Verified Client

"We’ve used American Veteran Construction two years in a row. That do great work!"


We are hiring more installers! We need positive, hardworking individuals, Veterans preferred. We host orientation classes every Monday until December!

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Get in Touch with us!

Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us!

Find us at the office

2823 N 36th Avenue Suite 106

Phoenix, AZ 85009

Give us a Call or Send us a Text!

(877) VETS 10-4

(877) 838-7104

Mon - Fri, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Contact Us